Stand Up Comedy
and MC-ing
with Harriet
Harriet’s taken 3 solo shows to the Edinburgh Fringe. She’s a Funny Women Award UK semi-finalist, Bath Comedy Award judge and WOMAD festival MC. ‘Fresh and relaxed…Hilarious’ – Fringe Review. ‘If the BBC hadn’t sacked me, I’d definitely have Harriet on my show’ Fred MacAulay. She’s a passionate advocate of comedy as a force for good, and as well as her Stand Up work, she channels the tradition of the insightful Court Jester into all her corporate coaching.

Here’s Harriet in action at the George IV Comedy Club in London, chatting to the audience
about the perils of losing the ‘class toy’ your kid’s been loaned from Junior School.
(warning: contains mild swearing!)

Open up conversations in your organisation.
Harriet’s current show is ‘Oestrogen Armageddon’, a frank, funny science-backed show about managing the menopause. Recent corporate gigs include for Mars, The Wellcome Trust, KPMG, Wavemaker, Minds@Work. Harriet has also co-hosted public information events with celebrities such as Meg Matthews and clinicians eg from the British Menopause Society.
Your next MC
Harriet is also an accomplished MC who can both lighten the mood and segue serious topics. She’s a very safe pair of hands, for example, whilst MCing at WOMAD festival she kept the crowd in stitches whilst filling in for the headline act when their taxi was thirty minutes late.

Edinburgh Fringe
‘Harriet’s first Edinburgh show was ‘Mummy’s gone a bit parental’. A wry look at parenting, including advice on the top ten best outfits for school mufti day (e.g. Tequila Shot Girl) and how to strike up conversation at a baby group – “I‘ll blow Molly’s nose when I think she’s emotionally ready. Right now I think it would be a violation of her personal power don’t you?”. The show also explored key parenting conundrums, such as: ‘is it ok to febreze a seven year old? Is it ever acceptable to put a vodka miniature in their snack box? And does seeing the Lego movie really qualify as a good night out?
Hello from The Other Side of 40.
Harriet’s second show explored ageing. Turning 42 was a massive let down for: she didn’t unlock the meaning of life, she just got given some moisturiser. To add insult to injury, one month later Adele brought out her album ‘25’, majoring on the theme of ‘nostalgia’. Harriet was furious: ‘I’m nostalgic for a time when I didn’t have a white streak in my hair - and could enjoy the Gloucestershire countryside without fear of being included in the badger cull.’

This show explored the joys of the peri-menopause. Broadway Baby review: ‘[Harriet] discusses issues that are too often kept behind closed doors, leaving masses of women feeling isolated about the same problem, and she tackles such taboos in an amusing way… definitely fills a gap in the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.’
Turnip-Led Weaning
Harriet has also written the hilarious spoof nanny advice book, Turnip-Led Weaning. Described as ‘Supernanny on acid’ it’s a laugh-out-loud parody of mainstream parenting advice. E.g. ‘By all means use a tumble dryer, but you can enhance the parent-child bond quite magically by singing your children’s clothes dry with your warm breath’. ‘Sparky, very funny… amusing throughout’ – Jeremy Strong bestselling author of daft books such as the ‘My brothers’ famous bottom’ series.

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